Fun Facts About Heating & Cooling

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Heating and cooling may not seem like a fun topic for conversation, but when diving into the history of them both, you could come across something interesting that you didn’t know before. Heating and cooling is usually seen just for what they are, heating and cooling, but after you take a look at these fun facts, you may have a new appreciation for both of these systems. Since most of us are used to having heating and cooling constantly available in our everyday lives, we tend to overlook the effort and time it took to get them the way they are today. Both of them have made an impact on the world and still do. Exposed to these facts will make you feel thankful, as times before modern heating and cooling weren’t easy.

  • Modern air conditioning made way for the increase in human life expectancy. It’s because of modern air conditioning that advances in medical technology and new medicines were able to be created.
  • The Romans were the first to use a heating system. This heating system was called a hypocaust. It sent furnace heat through the floors and walls of the homes of rich Romans.
  • Willis Carrier came up with the idea for the air conditioner while working at a publishing company. The heat was causing paper to wrinkle and ink to run.
  • Air conditioning in the U.S. uses the same amount of energy as it takes to power the whole continent of Africa, and that’s just air conditioning alone for the U.S. With such high energy use, it’s no wonder why owners need HVAC maintenance.
  • Raised ceilings and porches were common before air conditioning was invented. These allowed homes and buildings to remain cool thanks to the airflow. 
  • Air conditioning played a large role to the invention of computer technology.
  • The first automobile brand to have air conditioning units installed into its cars was the Packard Motor Car Company.
  • Children were given summer vacation from school because of the lack of air conditioning, but even when air conditioning came about, schools decided to keep this going. Businesses also used to shut down for two months.
  • When it comes to natural heating, the natural gas is odorless. The reason it gives off a smell is so that it could be easily detected for health and safety purposes. 
  • One of the first buildings to install air conditioning was the New York Stock Exchange in 1903.
  • Air conditioning is responsible for certain population booms, such as in Arizona, Florida, Nevada and Texas. It’s because of this that the economy grew within these states.
  • The first president to experience air conditioning in the Oval Office was Herbert Hoover. Franklin Roosevelt added air conditioning to the White House bedrooms.
  • The furnace is the most common heating system for homes in the U.S. Natural gas furnaces are the most popular.
  • In the movie ‘Juno’, Juno’s father works as an HVAC technician and in the movie ‘The Breakfast Club’, Bender escapes through an HVAC air duct while in detention, which cannot hold a person’s weight. 
  • Speaking of movies, movie theaters beat other businesses to the introduction of air conditioning. This made the movies a popular destination, especially on hot days.
  • Being able to better control temperature has changed the way we construct homes and buildings. Since air conditioning became available, glass skyscrapers replaced brick buildings.
  • Scientific evidence shows that air conditioning has conditioned us to want more of it. Our tolerance for heat has been lowered since the introduction of air conditioning.
  • The life span of a furnace is long. They can last anywhere from 15-40 years depending on the type of furnace.
  • The temperature of your bedroom could impact the quality of your sleep. According to WebMD, it’s best to keep the temperature between 65 and 72°F.
  • Before air conditioning, blocks of ice were used to keep people and food cool.
  • Speaking of keeping food cold, John Gorrie is considered the father of refrigeration. He originally created an ice machine to create cool air for patients.
  • Natural gas wasn’t originally used for heat; it was used for light. Natural gas was used in both indoor and outdoor lighting during the 1800s. Gas lights can be seen in the historic districts of Boston and Cincinnati.


It may not be something you ever thought you’d learn, but it’s worth while to learn about the history of heating and cooling, especially since a great deal of us use both frequently. The history provides us with some fun facts about how each came about and how they’ve both changed throughout the years. This background information truly gives a better insight into HVAC systems as a whole, as well as a better understanding of the impact it has on the world and the people that made it happen. 

Today, changes in these inventions are still being made, such as making these systems more environmentally friendly. As HVAC systems and technology improve, changes in HVAC maintenance and HVAC monitoring could occur as well, but always remember, take care of your systems. They’ve come a long way.