How the Right HVAC System Can Improve Your Home’s Health

Article Found on Mitsubishi Comfort

HVAC contractors aren’t typically classified as healthcare practitioners, but their expertise matters when it comes to our health and wellness. Studies show that we spend 90% of our time in a built environment. The degree of time spent working, playing, sleeping or simply existing varies from person to person. However, there’s a tight connection between physical wellness and the healthiness of your home. Your home and its HVAC system play a role in conditioning your health before your regular visit with your physician.

Spending 90% of our time indoors means less exposure to outside air — for better or worse. On one hand, when inside we are not victim to extreme conditions in temperature or air quality. On the other hand, heating and cooling systems must be chosen with care as their performance impacts indoor air quality and comfort.

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Fun Facts About Heating & Cooling

Article Found on Improvenet

Heating and cooling may not seem like a fun topic for conversation, but when diving into the history of them both, you could come across something interesting that you didn’t know before. Heating and cooling is usually seen just for what they are, heating and cooling, but after you take a look at these fun facts, you may have a new appreciation for both of these systems. Since most of us are used to having heating and cooling constantly available in our everyday lives, we tend to overlook the effort and time it took to get them the way they are today. Both of them have made an impact on the world and still do. Exposed to these facts will make you feel thankful, as times before modern heating and cooling weren’t easy.

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Article Found on MitsubishiComfort

Most people have heard of ductless heating and cooling systems, and they have probably seen the small, indoor devices installed high on walls in homes, restaurants or office buildings. But what do you really know about these systems? Read more

Principles of Heating and Cooling

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Understanding how heat is transferred from the outdoors into your home and from your home to your body is important for understanding the challenge of keeping your house cool. Understanding the processes that help keep your body cool is important in understanding cooling strategies for your home. Read more

5 Signs That You Should Replace Your Heat Pump

Article Found on Improvenet

While freezers, furnaces and air conditioners are recognizable examples of what heat pumps are, the term is more general and applied to many HVAC systems. A heat pump is an important piece of equipment that facilitates heat energy transfer from its source to its destination. The destination is also referred to as the heat sink in more technical terms. Read more


When stifling summer or frigid winter temperatures set in, homeowners have a tendency to reach for the thermostat and crank it up or down in order to stay comfortable. A few weeks later, they discover that their energy bill has skyrocketed and wonder why it drastically increased.

The equation is simple; the more your indoor temperatures differ from the temperature outside, the more expensive your utilities will be. It can be difficult to find a temperature range that keeps your house cozy without raising your expenses, but fortunately, the US Department of Energy has identified some of the optimal energy-saving temperatures for your home. Additionally, we’ve outlined some tips and alternatives to heating and cooling that will make things more comfortable during the extreme seasons, without raising your bills.
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Pets and Heating and Air Conditioning

Article found on Maytag

Have you checked your floor vents recently?

Are you beginning to feel a chill in the air? We’re diving deeper and deeper into fall, and the weather is only going to get colder. Are you ready for chillier weather?

While we’re preparing for winter weather, it’s important to keep our pets in mind. Anyone who has a pet knows how much of a mess they can make. Messes can lead to poor indoor air quality and fuzzy furnace filters. If you have pets, here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to your heating and air conditioning equipment. Read more

The High Cost of Poor Workplace Temperature Control

Article Found on Aristair

According to IFMA research, an uncomfortable workplace temperature is the number one complaint of office workers about their workplace environment. Actually, it’s both number one and number two (people complain most about being too hot AND about being too cold). Read more

What Size Furnace Does My Home Need?

Article Found on Modernize

Autumn is fully underway and most homes have had the heat turned on at least once. Checklists are being printed out and homeowners are starting to winterize their homes  as the weather cools. If you haven’t already, now is a good time to make sure your furnace is working—you don’t want to get caught out in the cold! Read more

Heating Through The Centuries

Article Found on Modernize

There are few things better than sitting around a campfire or fire pit with your nearest and dearest, especially when the temperatures start to drop and the days get shorter. And it’s neat to think that our ancestors were doing the same thing over a million years ago. But in addition to serving as an occasion to gather with their community, a campfire was crucial in keeping our ancestors warm and safe. Read more